Friday, July 23, 2010

The X Factor

The X Factor

x factor boot camp dancing injuries will prevent singers from successful careers

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 02:39 PM PDT

x factor staff and producers brian friedman and simon cowell will soon have to end their idea to have all singing acts perform complicated dancing choreography to advance in the x factor bootcamp and beyond.

raising the bar is one thing, but making it impossible to compete is downright unlawful!

Dancing requires hours of practice, which leads to various sports and physical injuries. If a dancing singer tears a ligament or sprains a muscle, does that mean they are booted from the x factor boot camp and beyond? NO, it does not. What it means is that the dancing part of the x factor must be immediately removed.

Predictions for dance related injuries will escalate to a point where simon cowell and brian friedman will have no choice but to remove dancing from the x factor, and brian friedman will have to go back to the proper way of hiring PROFESSIONAL dancers, where he can choreograph difficult and precise dancing moves with props such as roller skating, lifting contestants, and whatever brian's creative mind can concoct for his PROFESSIONAL dancers to do.

"Professionals can't sing and dance"

If you look on youtube you will see successful pop singers like Madonna, Britney Spears and even Beyonce lip syncing, while running through their advanced choreographed dancing routines during live concerts. (some soundboard mixers removed the recorded vocal track and left just the raw vocal, and it was not pretty!!)

Older singers who can't dance are immediately discriminated against

If you compare dance moves of younger dancers to older dancers, this is also a disqualifying reason, called discrimination. The discrimination against fatties who can't dance and old people who lost their step, is unfair to brilliant singers - "gripes and lawsuits will be on the rise"

thexfactor fan site prediction will be an end to dancing as a requirement for x factor contestants!

X factor magazine must turn to seX to sell subscriptions

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 01:51 PM PDT

While magazines and newspapers are closing down and firing advertising and editorial staff by the hundreds, simon cowell is making a new magazine about the x factor. Its not that simon cowell is crazy, but if its more of a licensing deal, where someone gave simon cowell a lump sum of money to use the name the x factor, then he is lucking out.

Simon cowell appears to be going against facebook, twitter and social websites that have instant news, photos, and movements of their favourite celebrities. He has even attacked fansites on the internet, asking for their immediate closure. Can simon cowell control what fans of the x factor do to get their information? HARDLY

If you follow the path of heat and other magazines exclusive use of shirtless boy photos of JLS and others and lingerie photos of girls in the x factor, you may have magazines flying off the news stands.

However, unless it comes out once a week, the information will be outdated, and acts booted from the show will not have as much fan support, unless its really an "x" factor magazine with a lot more skin then we have ever seen.

Could we be seeing stacey solomon or lucie jones naked? Would you buy a subscription to see boobs of the x factor girls?  How about nude photo shoot of judges cheryl cole and dannii minogue (post extra baby weight), while dannii Minogue would have much to see, cheryl cole would just be a bag of bones, with her malaria-stricken anorexic frame. (still, this appeals to men that remember cheryl cole before malaria ravaged her body even more than anorexia) You just know all kinds of people from all over the world would buy the x factor magazine if nude photos of Leona Lewis appeared in it. Who else would you pay to see naked in the x factor magazine?

Maybe more shirtless photos of simon cowell on the beach (please at least hit the gym before a photo shoot) or louis walsh in his knickers? Or diana vickers in her knickers?

To gain attention, Rhydian Roberts parades around in speedo bikini bottoms and works out hard to look fit, he has not found a good home for this type of photo shoot, besides the internet.

Will there have to be nudity for the x factor magazine to make it, or will it soon join the long list of magazines and newspapers that shut down? Competing against the internet and fansites like will be hard to win against.

At the x factor fan site, we think there must be nudity in the x factor magazine for them to be successful.

Good luck x factor magazine, and remember to mail us our subscription.

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