The X Factor |
x factor - results for the semi-final x factor from CANDY WARHOL Posted: 06 Dec 2008 04:00 PM CST It is true, bad song choices can sink a competitor's chances and if it was based purely on ability and talent, the Quigg creature should have fallen at the first hurdle. Of course Quigg was gutted that the deceiving, two timing, emotion twisting Diana Vickers was ejected tonight. His and her teen boy fumblings in the X Factor green room have come crushing to an end. At least Quig's hair was cropped shorter this week. Over the past few weeks it had sprouted like some out of control privet hedge. His performances were not hedge like at all, but rather weedy. A rendition of Busted's Year Three Thousand - the only thing that was busted, was his delivery. Vickers performance was nothing but bubble coated cat squealing surrounded by ridiculous dance routines. Her second song though, was completely dreadful, as if listening to Dido is not suicidal enough, Vickers murdered it and my ears almost bled. The Quigg creature shouted and croaked his way through a rendition of Abba's Does your Mother Know You're Out?… I was wishing Quigg's mother had kept him in tonight. Bad outfit, bad choreography, awful performance. Despite all the tongue poking and puppy dog eyes glaring at us, this year's X Factor has confirmed to me loudly - kids should just not be allowed to enter if it means being subjected to this onslaught of lack lustre performances and zero talent. The worst of all during this week's X Factor, was the nauseating, false and plastic emotion and sincerity shown by The Primani Princess, Chief Ambassador of the Charvas (North East England word for Chavs, Pikeys, Hillbilly) Cheryl Tramp Stamp Cole. At one point, I actually threw my Nestle's Matchmaker I was sucking on at the TV screen. Anymore fake support or crocodile tears from this door to door Gypsy peg seller will make me want to run up the high street with a shotgun…. And guess who would be the prime targets - Quigg, Vickers and Cole. Cole first. Candy Warhol |
x factor - diana vickers is finally gone to where she deserves Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:51 PM CST for all the cheating that was blatantly done to save diana vickers the fate of being booted off the show, and the wonderful talent of laura white and rachel hylton that had to make way for this girl living on borrowed time. It was fitting to see diana vickers leave the show, but I would have preferred to see alexandra burke face rachel hylton or laura white in the finals. jls have no chance to win, neither does eoghan quigg, so it looks like instead of a hard song for alexandra burke next week, she will go with something that showcases her strong talents. next week: alexandra burke to win the x factor. rob tencer |
x factor - JLS you are off the show with the song I’m Already There Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:40 PM CST jls showcases their bad talent for singing, which is worse then any of the other singers tonight. this means as no suprize to anyone watching that as predicticed, JLS say: I’m Already There |
x factor - alexandra burke Unbreak My Heart had a great gospel choir Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:37 PM CST without the x factor gospel choir, alexandra burke’s Unbreak My Heart showed the lack of vocal talent that some may have thought alexandra burke had. the judges brush off the harsh words by saying it was a hard song to sing. |
x factor - diana vickers sings Dido’s White Flag and gets help from the chorus Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:31 PM CST was it eminem or dido, or both who sang stan, about commiting suicide and taking people with them. is that what diana vickers the witch is trying to do to everyone who watches her hypnotizing claws as they make you do things you don’t want, like call in and vote for diana vickers? this time diana vickers throws in the white flag. Dido’s White Flag that is. |
x factor - apparently eoghan quiggs mother does not know how bad he could sing Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:26 PM CST mothers always think their kid is the most talented, so it might come as a shock to the rest of the UK that eoghan quigg trying to show off on top of a piano singing does your mother know, might be one of his last perfomances. it looks like the x factor producers are trying to push eoghan quigg out the door. |
x factor - jls lose their umbrella in the worst song choice of the week Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:22 PM CST jls utilise the background singers for the singing while they show the only talent they have left, dancing and getting their moves synchronised like they did for the spoof britney spears song. which guy did the black flip in the britney video? boy are they good at dancing, gymnastics, photo shoots with their tops off, but singing is not one of their best traits. |
x factor - alexandra burke song choice Rihanna’s Don’t Stop The Music gets judges attention Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:18 PM CST although alexandra burke had her best performance last week, she thought she could sing Rihanna’s Don’t Stop The Music, but she is a much different singer than rihanna, and the song comes off as little under the level of what we have to expect from alexandra burke. |
x factor - diana vickers song choice of Avril Lavigne’s girlfriend saved her Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:14 PM CST So far Diana Vickers song choice on the x factor appears to have worked for her. It’s Avril Lavigne’s girlfriend. |
x factor - the song choices killed the chances of eoghan quigg Posted: 06 Dec 2008 03:10 PM CST Horrible song choices killed every singer so far, so why not give the kiss of death this time to eoghan quigg? So the x factor producers have decided to really make eoghan quigg look bad. what a cruel world. Not even the eoghan quigg fan club can help him tonight. |
sisi jghalef is back on the x factor - fan site Posted: 06 Dec 2008 09:17 AM CST In a special summary of this season on the x factor, we have been contacted by last years girls group HOPE member sisi jghalef. Rob Tencer interviewed sisi jghalef, and sisi jghalef answered in her own words and emails back. Q: What do you think of the new judge Cheryl Cole? Hi rob! Thanx 4 the opportunity! Well where do i start? This years x factor certainly had me gripped with the new judge cheryl cole. cheryl coles feisty and realism is just what the show needed as the panel of simon cowell and the arse lickers was lookin like a bunch of old battle axes judging a karaoke contest that was last year lol! In fact i think the only judge who has any balls 2 stand up 2 simon cowell is cheryl cole. With her gordie working class background, sassy personality and experience in reality t.v stardom, she is by far the best judge 2 date! Q: Why such kind words for cheryl cole? Has she ever helped you, or said something nice about you? No cheryls neva helped me but i met her husband an he said he had liked me so i feel bad slaggin her off! But her accent yuk! And she thinks shes got a clue about vocal range and pitch and shes hardly mariah carey but i do really like her lol! The whole of the u.k will hate me if i slag her off! But like her and danni i think there not the best of singers/songwriters so what do they know? But she is a great talent spotter, her groups were amazing! Don’t print the gordie accent thing, the whole of northern england will h8 me lol! Fuck em! Q: What did you think of the way that the show is bullying Dannii Minogue? It was good 2 c my old friend danni minogue, but i couldn’t understand why simon cowell and the media were bulling her? (sobbing uncontrollably) Leave danni alone lol! Q: how much do you hate Louis Walsh? Do you think his job is in jeopardy? And poor louis walsh looks like a lap dog that does anything 2 hang on 2 his job including bum sucking simon cowell so much i’m embarassed 4 him! Q: What do you think of simon cowell this year? as for simon he looks as plastic as he is fake and is desperate 2 hang on 2 his youthful “good looks”! What a show its been! Q: do you think the show is fixed? Do you think they have already decided the winner? With austin drage and laura white being voted off in the early stages i cant help but think the show is a fix! As i was involved last year, i knew from day 1, that i was to make it to the live show, and that as long as we sang in tune, we would sail through! The fact that hope were in the bottom 2 every week but were miracoulsly saved each week by simon cowell and his cronies was a clear indication that the girls were suppose 2 win. Had i have still been there, they probably would of! Q: What do you think of JLS and Girlband? What really made me laugh was the boy and girl group they put together ha ha ha! No looks, No talent, no personality, no x factor lmao What a joke! Then we come 2 the groups, girlband what a joke, ridiculous! Ur neva gonna find another sisi jghalef, so get over it! And the same for the other girls in bad lashes. And then we have the 4 wimps in wifebeaters! I want to like them i really do, but there just like 4 divs (idiots) who need 2 grow some balls! Not my cuppa tea, the facial expressions and the britney spears rendition had me in stitches! Grow up boys, we want a man band lol! Q: What did you think of Rachel Hylton on the x factor? Any similarities between you and her? Then there was rachel hylton, wow what a woman! Drugs, jail, 5 kids and now has a no 1 single, really should inspire those who are on the wrong path that they 2 can follow their dreams and realize there is more 2 life, than street life! Her voice is amazing even though she did seem 2 crack under the pressure in the final shows. Which leads me 2 believe my conspiracy theories that its a fix and that some contestants are given shitty songs 2 sing an phone lines are fix as with rhydian last year! Then again they are singing live which must be nerve wracking and i admire there courage. Q: what did you think of Austin Drage, Eoghan Quigg and Danial Evans? From simon’s category i can only remember austin drage. Lovely bloke who i remember from boot camp last year. Austin Drage has an amazing voice so why was he voted off so early? Maybe to make way for simon’s protege eoghan or the fact that a guy crying his eyes out every 5 minutes is so un sexy! Grow sum balls u wimp! As for eoghan quigg, I love him, I love his personality and voice and he has really kept it together. better than the old bloke, whats his name again daniel evans? Anyway, another crooner slips through the net, mind u i didn’t think much of the 25s an over so the people they picked were probably the best they had 2 work with! Q: What did you think of Ruth Lorenzo? Ruth Lorenzo, I didnt quite get her at first, but shes grown on me even through her shouty naslie performances i thought she had a great personality and was sad 2 see her go! Q: What did you think about Britney Spears mime performance on the x factor live show? Britney on the other hand proved, though i love her, u need absolutely no vocal talent at all. All you need is some one 2 rain on you and your a superstar! What really made me laugh was her introduction, which something along the lines of britney spears performs now! lol, not live, now lol! I was pissin myself! Great way 2 show someone with x factor, someone who cant sing live, or even mime well and looks so spaced out like shes sniffed a gram of coke! What a joke! and the way they hyped her up as tho she was better than mariah carey is an insult, mariah carey should boycott all of simon cowell’s shows! Q: what did you think of laura white? Did you think it was horrible that diana vickers didn’t even have to sing for laura white to be kicked off the show? As for the laura white and her situation. what moron would send laura white home over the possessed spanish she devil ruth lorenzo? Louis walsh that’s who! I think the whole situation was Again rigged with simon lookin fiercly at louis like you’ll be replaced by tomorrow if you let ruth lorenzo go! Q: what do you think of diana vickers and her chances to win the x factor? Which brings me 2 diana! The yodling yorkshire terrier is funny 2 watch, her hands are like another being performing With her lol! But i like her unique quirky style, even if the hand thing is a bit scary! Q: what do you think of alexandra burke and her chances to win the x factor? And last but not least is alexandra burke, i cant fault her. She is my favourite by far, she can sing, dance and act! Surely a person can’t be that nice all the time can they? Maybe i’m just a bitch, but it would be nice 2 see her pissed off or angry?! She seems like shes holding back another side 2 her and if i hear her declare her undying love for cheryl cole one more time i’ll b sick! I much preferred the beef with danni minogue and the rotweiler, but i am a drama queen! So yeah, alexandra burke should win Q: do eoghan quigg or diana vickers have a chance to win the x factor? but i think eoghan quigg or whateva his name is, or diana vickers will win this year even though i see no star quality in any of them except alexandra burke! Nether the lest i wish them all the best as they seek fame and fortune and success! And see how long it takes for us 2 forget about them! Fix fix fix! I’ve been there, i know what i’m talking about! Simon himself said diana will win so ther u go! Make her sit it out in mariah week how convenient would they have done the same 4 laura? Obviously not!? They managed 2 get most of the best singers and potential winners 2 make it easier 4 heidi hi the yodeler 2 make the finals! These shows are all full of shit an they probably realized laura would be harder 2 control than the others! Shame but at least she has the recognition now, and i’m sure she got a record deal out of it! Q: What are you up to Sisi Jghalef? We could never forget about you! I have just finished singing alongside a huge grammy award winning artist, after they realized my potential, and have made a dream come true for me! All of the people who don’t make it as the winner of the x factor or any singing or dancing show should know, that your dreams don’t end when you are no longer on the show. Thank u so much rob tencer! Sisi will be back next week, with her summary of todays live show. We HOPE to get her on video. |
x factor insider reveals the winner and its not alexandra burke Posted: 06 Dec 2008 07:32 AM CST our exclusive x factor insider has revealed to us that the winner has already been chosen by the x factor producers / simon cowell and the winner will be diana vickers. alexandra burke has been given enough exposure to get the recording contract she much deserves, so not to feel to sorry for her. Eoghan Quigg is so young, that he will have time to develop his talent and his star personna. JLS were never taken seriously as having any chance. Laura White was cheated, but had enough exposure to also get a recording contract. Rachel Hylton had the most hurdles in her way, but really shined at the end, and will probably get the much coveted recording contract. Rob Tencer |
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