x factor - is cara right about the cheating judges of the x factor? Posted: 14 Nov 2008 03:16 PM CST Comment of the week comes from cara, who expressed herself so well we had to share her thoughts on the main pages of the x factor fan site. Are you as outraged for laura white as cara is? ok right here i go. basically as soon as i heard the result, i ran out of the room screaming and was actually on the floor. it was crazy! she was actually one of the best and should have been one of the ones to stay untill the end. yes, i understand how louis is and how he is probably just getting the best ones out in order to make it easier for jlc (who by the way i do like), but still.. him voting her out was like cheating and it was so wrong of him seeing as he knows that she is amazing, which he even said so himself. the only judge that i can kind of see where they were coming from with voting laura out was dani. she just wants to save her own act. i still think thats unfair seeing as she thought laura was good enough to win and knew that she was better than ruth. she still could have voted for her own act to go.. simon did a few years ago because he knew how good the other person was. but my god! i dont have a clue where simon was coming from when he voted laura out.. i hope it wasnt just because he fancies her. i was genuinely like near to tears when laura got voted out. and i could seriously keep going on but if i do the you lot will actually get too bored to read what i have to say. basically i am 100% with cheryl and laura here and i find it sickeing how laura got voted off. if there is way to get her back on the show then please could somebody let me know how because this is crazy. and by the way, sorry, but i really do think its about time that ruth and daniel went.. lets be honest.. they are NOT going to win this. anyways, i am really thankful to whoever set up this site so i could complain because i been needing to let this out for a while now and there is still soo much more i could say. Cara and all our visitors who wtite in their comments, whether good or bad, whether hurtful or you get hurt. we love you! Rob Tencer Share This 
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