x factor - results for britney spears teen week on the x factor say goodbye to ruth lorenzo Posted: 29 Nov 2008 04:53 PM CST ruth lorenzo was kicked off the x factor with a sneak attack high school musical song and the teen factor. bringing disney to the x factor and the much teen loved hanna montanna miley cyrus, brought so many teens while the joan jett song i love rock n roll appealed more to an older generation, that pushed ruth lorenzo right off the show. the teens voted for eoghan quigg, diana vickers, alexandra burke and teen heart throbs jls. JLS are safe Alexandra Burke is safe Diana vickers is safe Eoghan Quigg is safe Share This 
x factor - next week will see jls packing their matching bags Posted: 29 Nov 2008 04:46 PM CST jls is predictably the next to leave the x factor. pin up and in heet teens will not be able to save them once again. Share This 
x factor - was dermot tenting for the male dancers or britney spears? Posted: 29 Nov 2008 04:39 PM CST dermot was seen with a woody but was it for britney spears in fishnets? Share This 
x factor - teen prediction came true for eoghan quigg Posted: 29 Nov 2008 03:08 PM CST the teen vote and high school musical carried same difference all the way through to the final show, so why not do the same for eoghan quigg. to make sure, they even had him sing a zack and vanessa song to seal the teen vote. to make sure they had the teen votes they brought in britney spears and the disney channel’s own 16 year old miley cyrus / hanna montanna. what a bunch of cheaters the x factor producers are. Share This 
x factor - diana vickers in fear of getting kicked off show from a very poor performance Posted: 29 Nov 2008 02:33 PM CST diana vickers might finally be kicked off the show for a lacluster performance. its to bad that laura white’s star couldn’t shine as long as the dirty footed cheating theif diana vickers. Even racheh hylton would have had another week to shine, and bully people around. Share This 
x factor - diana vickers reveals she is not a girl on x factor live Posted: 29 Nov 2008 02:27 PM CST if diana vickers is not a girl then what is she? if she is a boy, than that would much more explain eoghan quigg’s relationship with diana vickers Share This 
x factor - sometimes eoghan quigg has to sing ballads Posted: 29 Nov 2008 02:23 PM CST sometimes by britney spears was not the right song choice for little eoghan quigg, but it might have been the best showcase of eoghan quiggs voice. Share This 
x factor - where do i get alexandra burkes red rain coat? Posted: 29 Nov 2008 02:10 PM CST alexandra burke did not disappoint us with her talent, her looks or the way she wore the red rain coat. we will see you in the semi finals alexandra burke x factor finalist Share This 
x factor - jls seals their fate with a bad song choice Posted: 29 Nov 2008 02:06 PM CST song choice is what ultimately kills a singers chances on the x factor, and jls just sang the worst possible britney spears song choice of them all. nice leather jackets though. goodbye boys Share This 
x factor - ruth lorenzo support lost with i love rock n roll Posted: 29 Nov 2008 01:52 PM CST song choices might hurt ruth lorenzo this week, but how does it compare with the rest of tonights performances, mainly jls? Share This 
x factor - womanizer song by britney spears Posted: 29 Nov 2008 01:38 PM CST its hard to believe that britney spears sunk so low as to lose her children, shave her hair, become a drug abusing addict and an alcoholic. now britney spears is a womanizer. welcome back to the UK britney spears. Share This 
x factor - miley cyrus hanna montanna is here tonight on american music week Posted: 29 Nov 2008 01:32 PM CST if for only one reason at all, and that reason is TV RATINGS, the x factor producers decided to make it the biggest week of all, and pull viewers from the teens. the teens associate most with eoghan quigg, and diana vickers. this is the week for teen viewers discovering once again the x factor. last year x factor channeled high school musical through same difference, and that had not been able to pull the same young audience this year. Share This 
x factor - song list for britney spears american music week Posted: 29 Nov 2008 01:26 PM CST |
x factor - ruth lorenzo sings i love rock n roll but does everyone else? Posted: 29 Nov 2008 12:48 PM CST x factor finalist ruth lorenzo is taking a big chance by singing a rock song on the x factor. In this week’s Britney Spears-themed x factor, Ruth lorenzo will reinterpret Joan Jett’s classic rock anthem ‘I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll’. She will also sing an American song that should keep her on the show another week. welcome ruth lorenzo to the semi-finals Share This 
x factor - aston merrygold of jls won’t be allowed lead vocals this week Posted: 29 Nov 2008 12:40 PM CST x factor finalist jls won’t allow aston merrygold the lead vocals britney spears week, because its their last performance on the show, and they want to give a chance to show what other little talents there might be, besides aston’s. Share This 